This collaboration between the Cancer Resource Center and Cornell University began in 2012 and has connected cancer patients, survivors, and loved ones with cancer researchers and students on an on-going basis ever since. There’s no other program like it in the country.
Here are some of our activities:
- Our Cancer Research Education Day
- Our semester-long class
- A just-published blog by an undergrad, a doctoral student, and a patient advocate.
We encourage the development of similar programs at other universities by providing online resources, and we’re delighted that so many of our graduates have entered academia and industry with an appreciation for and experience with the patient community.
Our most recent seminars have highlighted the work of cancer researchers who may not have received the recognition they deserved because of their race, gender or ethnicity. We’ve just posted two on our new YouTube Channel.
Watch our Facebook page, our Twitter feed, and our Cornell Cancer Partnership website for details. To be added to the email list for announcements, contact Bob Riter at [email protected].
#CancerResearchSeminar #