Helping people on a one-to-one basis is one of our most fundamental services. Every cancer and every situation is different. Staff members and trained volunteers offer support and comfort to persons who have cancer or who are otherwise affected by the disease (including family members and caregivers).
We answer questions, make referrals and help clients understand their options. We tailor our services to what you need.
Appointments are encouraged to ensure someone is available, but drop-ins are welcome. Questions can also be e-mailed to
Tuesday – Friday, 10:00 am– 4:00 pm. Other hours by appointment.
CRC also recruits, trains, supervises, and schedules volunteers who assist patients at Cayuga Cancer Center’s Radiation Oncology facilities on Dates Drive, their main offices at Cayuga Park, as well as the East Campus location on Arrowwood Drive.
The Peer to Peer Program is a free confidential service that connects patients and caregivers with mentors who provide the perspective of “someone who’s been there.” The program is open to all patients and caregivers touched by any type of cancer.
Mentors listen, extend emotional support, and offer practical advice. They do not provide medical advice.
Looking for support?
Please call the Cancer Resource Center at 277-0960 or fill out this application.
Want to become a mentor?
You should:
- Be mentally and physically able to take on the mentorship role. It’s not about you – it’s about the person you’re helping.
- Adhere to the guideline of not giving medical advice. It’s ok to say what you did. It’s not ok to say what someone else should do.
- Be emotionally prepared to participate in a mentoring relationship.
- Maintain confidentiality.
- Be willing to be an active match for 6 months.
The Cancer Resource Center will provide training focused on listening skills, the mentorship role, confidentiality, problem solving, and how to handle difficult situations.
Are you looking for support or interested in being a Peer Mentor? Please contact the Cancer Resource Center at 277-0960 and ask for Bert or email him at or fill out this Peer Mentor Application
Click to view current CRC Support Groups
Other Online Groups
There are hundreds (if not thousands) of online support groups that serve all cancers, specific cancers, and specific situations. Here is just a sampling:
For more options, search online for “online cancer support” or “online breast cancer support” etc.
Also of interest:
Cancer Research Seminar:
Meets Wed’s 5:15-6:30pm. Collaboration w/ researchers & students Click here for more information, or contact Bob Riter at Open to the public. #CornellCancerPartnership #CancerResearchSeminar
CRC’s wellness programming includes chair and bed-based yoga, meditation, walking groups, and currently we are partnering with the Ithaca YMCA to provide free membership to their LIVESTRONG program for cancer patients.
We provide wigs, hats, scarves, mastectomy products, and other personal care items to our clients free of charge, with personal assistance from staff or a volunteer. Call our office to schedule an appointment to browse our selection.
Boutique items are given in memory of Emily Virkler and our boutique is supported by the Emily Virkler Memorial Boutique Fund.
Living Well With Cancer is our monthly educational series which focuses on wholistic healthcare and cancer prevention. These presentations are always free and open to the public.
Click Here for more info!
Facing cancer when there are small children and teens in the household provides unique challenges. How do you tell your children about your diagnosis? When should you tell them? How do you involve their teachers, if you choose to? The CRC Cares About Families Guide (see link below) helps with these issues. We also offer a support group for young adults (under the age of 50). Please contact us for support and resources as you share information with your family and confront the challenges.
Reading a book together is one way to open a conversation about cancer, talk about the feelings your child may have, and learn some coping strategies. For a limited time, receive a gift book, thanks to the Saryn Emily Overby Koretsky Memorial Fund. CRC also carries an extensive library collection of books specifically for children.
For Younger Children
Good Sources of Information
CancerCare: Talking with your kids about your Diagnosis
American Cancer Society: Helping Children when a Family Member has Cancer
American Cancer Society: Helping Children with a Family Member has cancer: Dealing with recurrence or progressive illness
MacMillan Cancer Support (Great Britain): Talking with Kids about Cancer
YouTube Video: Telling your Kids you have Cancer
KidsHealth: What is Cancer
KidsHealth: What is Chemotherapy
Good resources for a Teen with a Family Member with Cancer
National Cancer Institute: When Your Parent has Cancer: A Guide for Teens
- NPR: Helping Teens Cope With a Parent’s Cancer
Cornell University and the Cancer Resource Center partner to connect scientists-in-training with the cancer community. Together they host monthly seminars where researchers and patients interact and learn from each other. Some months, a graduate student may give a lay-language presentation about an important aspect of cancer research. Other months, community members describe their experiences of living with cancer. There are also informal activities that promote patient-researcher dialogue, such as lab tours, book clubs, and participation in cancer support groups.
Cancer Research Seminar
Meets every Wednesday 5:15-6:30pm at Cornell Vet School Classroom 6 (free parking after 5pm). Join with Cornell doctoral students engaged in cancer research and those directly touched by cancer for a discussion about the science of cancer (presented in lay language). Click here for more information, or contact Bob Riter at Open to the public. Light refreshments provided. #CornellCancerPartnership #CancerResearchSeminar
Cornell Support Group
Support group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month 12-1pm over Zoom. Open to faculty, staff, students, and retirees with any type of cancer, at any stage of treatment or recovery. This provides an opportunity to meet one another, create a community of support, and learn about the resources available on campus and in Ithaca.
Link to YouTube Video.
Link to Cornell Partnership blog.
Our staff and volunteers can help connect you with local transportation services, parking permits, and to the American Cancer Society “Road to Recovery” program.
Local Travel Assistance Resources
- Gadabout (607-273-1878) is a nonprofit, door-to-door service for people aged sixty or older and for disabled residents of Tompkins County. Service runs from 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. Ride reservations must be made no later than 11:00am the business day prior to the requested trip.
- Friends in Service Helping (FISH) provides transportation within Tompkins County for elderly, handicapped, and low-income individuals. This is offered primarily for medical related trips. Please call several days in advance. There is no charge, but donations are accepted. Dial 211 for assistance.
- Ithaca Dispatch has a wheelchair-accessible taxi that can be ordered like any other taxi by calling 277-7777.
- Volunteers from the American Cancer Society Road to Recovery Program (800-ACS-2345) are sometimes available to take patients to treatment and appointments. This program is especially helpful for people who need to travel into or out of Tompkins County. (Gadabout and FISH only travel within the county).
- TCAT (Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit) offers routes 19 and 21, which serve Cayuga Medical Center on a regular basis. Schedules are available on-line at or by calling 607-277-RIDE.
- Zimride is an online resource to share rides to and from Tompkins County.
- Cayuga Lake Limo (607-279-9027) has offered to take cancer patients to Syracuse, Rochester, etc., for reasonable rates. Please call them for cost information.
- OurBus Door To Door offers a single platform so you can book a trip from where you are to where you want to be, using addresses, not transit terminals.
Other Travel Assistance Resources
- The Cornell Campus to Campus Bus is a useful way to get from Ithaca to New York City. It stops at Weill Cornell Medical Center in NYC, which is adjacent to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Note: we are not able to provide free tickets at this time.
- OurBus provides bus service from Ithaca to New York City and many other locations.
- CRC is grateful to Tapan Mitra and his family, whose generous support has created the Community Access Fund. The fund can help with costs associated with out-of-town diagnosis and treatment for those facing financial hardships due to cancer.
- Angel Wheels to Heal (formerly known as Angel Bus) assists with ground transportation and provides gas cards.
Parking Permits
Note: The transportation resources contained in this booklet are based in Tompkins County. If you live elsewhere, good sources of information are the local County Office for the Aging and/or organizations that serve people with disabilities.