Hope is that sliver
That glimmer
That string to grab onto
No matter how deep you may sink
There is always hope
Even in the darkest of places
There is hope
When the skies are so very dark
And so are the depths of your heart
Hope is there
When the sun won’t come out
And the clouds won’t part
Hope is there
Despair tries to dim the light of hope
But that light burns bright and powerful
Hope fosters forgiveness
Brings peace and happiness
Hope brings healing
Healing of the heart
Healing of the mind
Healing of the soul
We all need to believe in the future
Hope for better days
Life is a voyage
Each day is a new beginning
Hope keeps moving us forward on that voyage
Life is short
Hope makes it sweeter
Hope is in the sun
Shining so bright
Hope is in the rain
Cleansing the soul and washing away troubles
Hope brings love
In the bright eyes of a smiling child
In the gentle touch of a mother’s hand
Hope looks for the good
Discards the bad
Believe there is a reason for all things
Hope will one day show you
Hope lifts spirits to no end
Hope infuses the soul
Hope is a powerful thing
Hope can move mountains
Hope gives you the courage to take control of your destiny
Control of which turns you choose to take in your life
The control that has always been there
Lurking just beneath the surface
There is hope all around us
That gentle, invisible touch guiding us on, pushing us up
Hope is fuel
Fuel for strength
Fuel for love
Fuel for faith
Let your hopes not your hurts shape your future
Follow your heart, it knows the way
Once you get to the other side
You will realize that hope has always been there
Faith makes all things possible
Hope makes all things happen
Love makes all things beautiful
Karen M. Fries
March 7, 2014