With faith all things are possible
Faith is taking that next step even though I can’t see it
Faith is knowing I am on the right path
Even if it’s a path I would not have chosen
Faith is knowing there is still good in this world
And it’s worth fighting for
Faith is the belief there is a reason for everything
Even if the reason is never known
I have never spent much time in church
But I have always had faith there is a God
I have faith there is a higher power
But I don’t need pews and steeples to believe
The great outdoors is my church
The trees are my walls
The clear blue sky is my ceiling
My floor is covered in pine needles and leaves
Fallen trees are my pews
Songs of the birds are my choir
The peace that surrounds me is the sermon
Faith is feeling God’s hand on my shoulder
Gently guiding me
Faith is believing in the power of prayer
And both answered and unanswered prayers
Faith is relinquishing control
And knowing everything will be okay
Faith is the essence of all things
Karen M. Fries
June 5, 2012