Bob's Columns

Bob Riter is the retired Executive Director of the Cancer Resource Center. His articles about living with cancer appeared regularly in the Ithaca Journal and on OncoLink. He can be reached at [email protected].

A collection of Bob’s columns, When Your Life is Touched by Cancer: Practical Advice and Insights for Patients, Professionals, and Those Who Care, is available in bookstores nationwide and through online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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Saying Goodbye To Two Women

I was planning to write this week’s column about Elizabeth Edwards, but I just came from Waltraud Kelly’s funeral and now I want to write

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Ugly Stepsister of Cancer

There’s a warm and fuzzy side to breast cancer. Not the disease itself which is life-disruptive at its best and deadly at its worst. But

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Many Thanks

When I visit individuals receiving cancer treatment, I routinely hear words of appreciation intended for those who been helpful, kind and supportive. It is sometimes

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The Good That Emerges

A friend with cancer wrote me to say how she now experiences moments of intense appreciation. Just walking her dog at Buttermilk State Park filled

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New Nurses and Cancer Patients

Most everyone is uncertain and tentative when first talking with people who are in treatment for cancer. What should you say? What should you not

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Does Cancer Hurt?

When I talk with groups of students, someone usually asks, “Does cancer hurt?” It’s an interesting question that can be answered on many different levels.

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Personality And Cancer

Clients often tell me the weird things that people say in response to their cancer diagnoses. Most often, these comments are well-intentioned, but awkward. One

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Working In The Cancer World

I often talk with people while they’re receiving chemotherapy. Recently, one woman asked, “How long have you been doing this?” I knew that she was

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Cancer With Grace

Grace is one of those qualities that we struggle to define, but recognize when we see it. People with grace always seem to do and

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My Cancer Experience

I’ve been writing this column for nearly five years and I often make passing reference to my personal experience with cancer. Today, I wanted to