
A Question Not to Ask a Friend with Cancer

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A Question Not to Ask a Friend with Cancer I sometimes write about the goofy things that people say to individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer. In almost every […]

A health professional in the family

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A Health Professional in the Family Sooner or later, someone in your family will be diagnosed with cancer. If you’re a doctor, nurse, scientist, or other health professional, you may […]

Better Phrase Than Staying Strong

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If your loved one has cancer, you may sense an obligation to be strong. The phrase “Be strong” is branded into our brains, but I wish we had a better […]

When A Loved One Has Cancer

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A cancer diagnosis changes your life and the lives of the people who love you. It can be especially challenging for your loved ones because they may want to appear […]

Groundhog Friends

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I’m often asked how to be a friend to someone with cancer. I generally answer this question by encouraging them to be good listeners and to be present for their […]

Mental Illness And Cancer

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If anyone deserves a guaranteed place in heaven, it’s people who support a loved one who has both serious mental illness and cancer. This is more common than one might […]

Holiday Gifts

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I have been thinking about gift suggestions for people who are being treated for cancer and for those who have recently completed treatment. As a starting point, my recommendation is […]

Advocating For A Loved One

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I’ve often written that it is helpful for a person with cancer to have an advocate present during doctor’s appointments and hospital stays. I’d like to devote this column to […]

Head And Neck Cancers

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Every type of cancer presents its own set of problems, but people being treated for head and neck cancers experience some of the most unique and daunting challenges. Head and […]

When Loved Ones Complete Treatment

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Most people realize that their loved ones with cancer need special attention when they are beginning treatment. Fewer people realize that their loved ones also need special attention when they […]