
Cancer And Hope

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Cancer and hope are two topics that often intersect. People with cancer sometimes wonder if maintaining hope in the face of a grim diagnosis is a good idea or a […]

The Guys At The Corner Table

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Every Friday morning at 8:00 am, a group of men get together for breakfast at the Royal Court Restaurant. Construction workers, teachers, salesmen, firefighters. Some are retired while others stop […]

Small Acts Of Heroism

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TV shows and magazine articles routinely recognize heroes at this time of year. In keeping with that theme, I thought I would select an individual who’s been especially heroic in […]

Pat Thonney

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Pat Thonney died last week. She was one of the rocks of the Cancer Resource Center.   Pat was a nutritionist, and food – especially healthy food – was a […]

Good News In Cancer

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A woman recently stopped me to say that some of my columns were depressing and I should try hard to be more upbeat. I replied that a column written about […]

New Year’s Wishes

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I like to give myself a magic wand at this time of the year to grant wishes to those affected by cancer. Here are my wishes for 2014: I wish […]

Veterinary Oncology

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I had the privilege of meeting recently with a group of veterinary oncologists and technicians at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary oncologists diagnose and treat cancers in […]

Saying Goodbye To Two Women

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I was planning to write this week’s column about Elizabeth Edwards, but I just came from Waltraud Kelly’s funeral and now I want to write about her, too. Both women […]

Ugly Stepsister of Cancer

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There’s a warm and fuzzy side to breast cancer. Not the disease itself which is life-disruptive at its best and deadly at its worst. But there are celebratory races with […]

Many Thanks

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When I visit individuals receiving cancer treatment, I routinely hear words of appreciation intended for those who been helpful, kind and supportive. It is sometimes difficult to find the right […]