
Don’t Assume You Understand

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When Donna Berich tells people that she has skin cancer, they sometimes say, “Skin cancer? Oh, everyone gets that.” Well, not quite. Few people have skin cancer like Donna and […]

Retired Nurses And Their Memories Of Cancer

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I routinely speak with retired nurses and other health professionals who are concerned about a loved one with cancer. The word “cancer” often terrifies them because they went through training […]

Cornelia Rea

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Cornelia Rea, a professor at Tompkins Cortland Community College, recently marked the 10-year anniversary of her diagnosis of tongue cancer. Tongue cancer falls into the broad category of head and […]

Ringing The Bell

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If you’re in Ithaca this weekend, you know that it’s graduation time at Cornell University. Graduations are filled with rituals that symbolize closing one chapter in life and moving on […]

More Than One Cancer

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Ithaca resident Skip Hewitt was diagnosed with leukemia in 2004, bladder cancer in 2009, and lymphoma in 2011. He told me, “When I was diagnosed with my first cancer, I […]

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Chemo

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Visitors to the Cancer Resource Center are sometimes startled to hear uproarious laughter coming from behind doors. When the visitor raises a questioning eyebrow, we respond, “Oh, that’s one of […]

In Honor Of Joy

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Whenever I’m talking with someone living with advanced cancer, I encourage them to understand the reality of their situation but also to move forward with their lives. It’s a difficult […]

New Year’s Wishes For Friend With Cancer

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It seems that I always have friends newly diagnosed with cancer. I would love to have the power to grant them wishes to make their cancer experiences a little easier. […]

When The Boss Has Cancer

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I recently received a phone call that went like this: “My boss is struggling with cancer, but he clearly doesn’t want to talk about it or even acknowledge how ill […]

Head And Neck Cancers Are Difficult

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If I’m in a support group, I always shut down conversations that begins with, “My cancer is worse than your cancer.” Those conversations are always pointless because every cancer is […]