
Visiting Those In The Hospital

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People with cancer are sometimes hospitalized and their friends often want to visit to offer support and encouragement. Understanding some general guidelines will help make the visit a positive experience […]

Helping From A Distance

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I once received a letter from a man serving time in prison asking how he could help his mother who was ill with cancer. As I wrote back to offer […]

Young Adults With Cancer

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Getting cancer is awful at any age, but it has to be especially difficult for young adults. They’re too old for the nurturing and specialized pediatric oncology programs, and too […]

Thoughts And Prayer Tree

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There’s a small tree in the living room of Gary and Mary Ellen Stewart’s house in Ithaca. It’s covered with cards, letters and drawings. At first, a visitor isn’t quite […]

Stepping Up For Neighbors

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Not everyone with cancer has built-in support. Perhaps the individual has no family, or an event in the past may have caused the family to become estranged. Some people are […]

Understanding Friends With Cancer

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I recently had a conversation with someone whose good friend was diagnosed with cancer. She hoped that the cancer wouldn’t change their friendship, but it did. The change, though, was […]

How You Look And How You Feel

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Cancer is a weird disease because you can have it and not be sick. Or you can look pretty good when you are sick. This is confusing for our friends […]

Being Present

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Being diagnosed with cancer is like entering a dark and unfamiliar place. Imagine being suddenly transported deep inside a cave. You sense creepy things all around and it’s hard to […]

Helping A Friend With Cancer

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Nearly everyone has had a friend, neighbor, co-worker or acquaintance diagnosed with cancer. Most people want to be helpful, but may fear being intrusive or simply getting in the way […]

In Celebration Of Eric Ott

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The Rongovian Embassy in Trumansburg, NY was filled last Sunday afternoon with people who love music. More importantly, the Rongo was filled with people who love Eric Ott. Eric is […]