
The mission of the Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes is to create and sustain a community of support for people living with and affected by cancer.

Statement of Inclusion

The Cancer Resource Center seeks to serve all people living with or affected by cancer.  Our goal is to create an inclusive, welcoming community in which the perspectives and needs of all those we serve are heard and respected.

History of CRC


A group of nine women (Joan Adler, Meg Ambry, Ned Asta, Andi Gladstone, Jackie Livingston, Nancy Lazarus, Anne McLaughlin, Ba Stopha, and Annie Wilson) began planning what would become the Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance (IBCA).


IBCA became an organized, non-profit corporation.

First article in newspaper.

First support group.

Resource Center opened at 706 W. Green Street

First Walkathon raised $4,035.


First Tompkins County Quilters Guild benefit auction, “Quilted with Care,” raised $27,000.


Office moved to Women’s Community Building. Resource Center open three afternoons a week. Drop-in support group established.

Bob Riter writes about his breast cancer experience in Newsweek Magazine.


Resource Center hours expanded to five days a week.


The first “Plants for Life” sale sponsored by Ithaca Area Gardeners raised $12,000.


Andi Gladstone, founder and long-time leader of IBCA, steps down to become Director of NYS Breast Cancer Network, and Christine Sanchirico appointed executive director.

“Power Play for Prevention” begun by Sam Paolini of the Cornell Men’s Hockey Team with the support of Tompkins Trust Company.


Lower literacy breast cancer brochures developed in collaboration with Literacy Volunteers of Tompkins County.

First edition of IBCA E-News goes out to 50 readers.

Workshop on counseling persons with cancer held for area mental health professionals.


IBCA videoBecause no one should face breast cancer alone, created by volunteers Baseema and Ward Krkoska, wins National Public Access Award.

New workshop offered to the community: “I need to take a month off: Cancer and your job.”

Hester Hill Schnipper, Chief of Social Work Oncology at Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, presents a workshop for mental health professionals on “Facing the tiger together: Working with women with advanced cancer.”


IBCA’s first corporate campaign, chaired by Steve Garner, President and CEO of Tompkins Trust Company, raises more than $60,000.

A six-session education series is offered in collaboration with Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

A grant from the NYS Department of Health begins a pilot program by which assistance is provided to Cayuga Medical Center patients at the hospital.

Mission expands to include gynecologic cancers and surrounding counties.


IBCA purchases 612 West State Street to serve as permanent home.

Shawn Galbreath becomes executive director.


IBCA’s new home is renovated with considerable assistance from local labor unions and support from local businesses.

IBCA moves into its new home on January 30, 2007.

Friday noon group for women begins.

Name changed to the Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes to reflect our service to everyone affected by cancer.


Cancer screening offered to the uninsured and underinsured through the Cancer Services Program.

Ithaca Garden Club installs Victorian Garden.


First yoga class.

First water therapy class.


Bob Riter appointed Executive Director of Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes.

Lynda Myers Interior Design event “10 Steps to a Perfect Room” held at the Lake Watch Inn to benefit CRCFL.

5K Run added to the Walkathon.

Men’s Breakfast Club begins.


CRCFL writes “‘Now What?’ Life After Cancer Treatment” guide to survivorship.

First Young Adult Support Group.


First Annual Adventure Day for Men.

Collaboration begins with doctoral students researching cancer at Cornell University.

First group of volunteer financial counselors trained with the assistance of a grant from the Park Foundation.


Work on the Healing Garden begins, under the direction of Volunteer Lee Ginenthal.

Colorectal group begins.

CRCFL wins a “To-Go” Award (Town-Gown) from Cornell University for the innovative collaboration between CRC and doctoral students at Cornell who are involved in cancer research.


Bob Riter’s book, When Your Life is Touched by Cancer, is published by Hunter House and is distributed nationally.

Back porch reconstructed to make the building wheelchair accessible.

Downstairs bathroom renovated and made wheelchair accessible thanks to a grant from the Youth and Philanthropy Program of United Way of Tompkins County.

Monthly E-News is sent to more than 8,000 recipients.

Walkathon & 5K Run raises $184,000.

First CRC Golf Tournament held.


“One Funny Ithaca Story,” organized by Gary Stewart, gently pokes fun at Ithaca and raises money for CRC.

Caregiver group begins.

CRC “Cares about Kids” begins.

Wheelchair lift installed and back porch rebuilt thanks to Welliver Construction, HOLT Architects,  and the SERTOMA Club of Ithaca.

Garage converted into three-season meeting space thanks to the JM McDonald Foundation.


CRC hosts local Cancer Moonshot summit in collaboration with national Cancer Moonshot summit under leadership of Vice President Joe Biden.

CRC wins second “ToGo” Award from Cornell for collaborating with Cornell’s Translator-Interpreter Program in developing “Cancer Cancer in the United States: Common Practices and Expectations.”

With the help of Iron Design, we update our website, logo, colors, brochures, and strengthen our branding.

First Evening of Remembrance held to honor our loved ones.

Healing Garden dedicated.


CRC wins a 2017 Preservation Award from Historic Ithaca for the creation of our healing garden and the rehabilitation of our back porch and garage.

CRC was awarded a grant for kitchen renovation which was completed in the late summer of 2017.

First Multicultural Fashion Show with Cancer survivors as models at the Kitchen Theater. It was a great success and raised over $6200.

Bob presented on CRC’s collaboration with Cornell at the American Association of Cancer Researchers.

Bob received a TOGO award and recognition from the local chapter of the American Association of Fundraising Professionals for his outstanding work as an Executive Director.

Bob Riter retires as Executive Director.

Megan Crowe named Executive Director.

23rd Annual Walkathon & 5K Run raises over $143,000.


The 1st annual Cornell Cancer Research Symposium was held in collaboration with CRC, where community members reviewed scientific posters.

Megan Crowe stepped down from her position as executive director of CRC.

The Cancer Resource Center and cancer researchers from Cornell joined forces for the local Biden Cancer Summit.

A new website to highlight CRC’s six year collaboration with Cornell cancer researchers was launched.

Monster & Sea – 24 Hour Paddle for Cancer” Fundraiser launched at the Ithaca Farmers Market in April, local stand-up paddle-boarders participated in this exciting fundraiser to raise money to offer a breath of fresh air to families dealing with the wrecking ball of cancer. The team raised over $4000 and all proceeds went directly to families in need.

One Funny Ithaca Story IV – Special Edition* was another success (raising over $1600!), thanks in no small part to our fearless leader Gary Stewart, who founded the event.

“A Time for You Caregiver Celebration,” was held in partnership with the Tompkins County Office for the Aging in June. The day included music, poetry, chair massages, mindfulness/yoga and other wellness topics and activities, delicious refreshments, and info tables!

3rd Annual Evening of Remembrance held in CRC’s Healing Garden at the end of September to remember loved ones lost to cancer. The evening included live music, sharing of memories, and the lighting of candles in memory of loved ones.

24th Annual Walkathon and 5K run raised over $173,000.


Retired CRC Executive Director Bob Riter was featured as the cover story in the Winter issue of Cancer Today, a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research; he also wrote a companion article titled, “The Education of a Patient Advocate.”

CRC introduced a new Cornell Cancer Support Group co-sponsored by Cornell Work/Life open to faculty, staff, students, and retirees who have been diagnosed with cancer.

CRC expanded its patient support services by placing student volunteers at the CMC East Campus chemo suite.

CRC introduced a new Women’s Support Group open to women with any type of cancer.

CRC unveiled a multicultural mural on the side of its building painted by Maryam Adib and supported by the Community Arts Partnership.

Marilee Murphy joined CRC as its new Executive Director.

The Family and Children’s Service of Ithaca presented the Agda Osborn award to CRC.

Cancer Today featured an article titled “So you want to serve on a scientific review panel?”
co-written by CRC staff.

1st Cancer Research Education Day was held on Cornell’s campus in collaboration with CRC.

The Community Beautification Award was presented to CRC for the construction of a walkway and private garden behind the CRC building.

CRC celebrated its 25th anniversary with a celebration at Hotel Ithaca.

25th Annual Walkathon & 5K Run raised over $190,000.


In collaboration with CRC, Satori Salon began offering free services to individuals who are facing challenges associated with cancer.

CRC announced a new initiative called “CRC Cares About Families” to address the concerns related to when and how to tell children about a cancer diagnosis.

CRC held its annual walk and run virtually due to challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic and raised over $130,000.

CRC collaborated with the Ithaca Equestrian Center to launch the Equine Therapy Project to offer therapeutic experiences to cancer survivors.

CRC launched a new website with the help of Jackie Cote from Flourish Design Studio.

CRC held its first annual Soup-er Supper Fundraiser presented by Puddledockers at Explore Ithaca.

CRC launched a new initiative to improve services for people of color with help from Cornell intern Aleah Thomas.

CRC announced Marliee Murphy will be stepping down from her position as Executive Director, but will stay connected to CRC in the future.


Kim Pugliese stepped down as Executive Director after facilitating an affiliation between CRC and Cayuga Health System to ensure financial stability moving forward. Read the press release here.

Ithaca Breast Cancer Alliance

Hannah Potts

Hannah Potts, NP

Program Manager

Jen Harris

Jen Harris

Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator


Bert Scholl

Client Services Specialist


Carla Baudrons

Donor Relations & Marketing Coordinator