Telling the Kids

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If you are diagnosed with cancer when you have young children, you’re faced with what to share with them and how to share it. It is important to realize that cancer affects the entire family and not just the person with cancer. As a member of that family, children have the right to be included. […]

Questions Every Cancer Patient Should Ask

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Question #1: Can you repeat that? Getting diagnosed with cancer is like walking through a hurricane. Winds are swirling all around and you’re just trying to stay on your feet. It’s difficult to remain clear-headed and absorb all that’s being told to you. No one expects you to hear and understand everything. I encourage patients […]

Surprising Facts About Cancer

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I enjoy speaking with groups about cancer. I usually talk about my personal experiences and then describe cancer more generally and answer questions. After doing this for more than ten years, I know that certain facts always surprise people in the audience. Here are some of those surprises: If chemotherapy causes you to lose your […]