#AmazonSmile has donated over $200 million to charities worldwide! You can help increase AmazonSmile donations to CRC by shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/16-1453042 or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app.
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#AmazonSmile has donated over $200 million to charities worldwide! You can help increase AmazonSmile donations to CRC by shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/16-1453042 or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app.
Easy and NO cost to you!
We all know how it feels when someone we are talking with is not really listening. A person with a cancer diagnosis needs to have a safe space to share thoughts and emotions, without feeling judged or diminished.
The Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes (CRC) is pleased to announce we have entered into an agreement to become an affiliate of the Cayuga Health System (CHS).
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Art and Cancer: A Collaborative Mail Art Exhibition in Geneva, New York on February 17th, 2024.
840 Hanshaw Road, Suite 5, Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 277-0960
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (607) 275-0632
Tues-Fri: 10:00 – 4:00 pm
Boutique and other hours by appointment only.